ACV cleared my skin!!!!


ACV also known as Apple Cider Vinegar is most commonly used as a natural rinse to clear hair of product build up or control dandruff  but, it also has many more uses.

I use Apple cider vinegar almost every wash day to get rid of all the product build  accumulated in my hair but also to naturally soften, moisturize and prep my hair for easy detangling. I start by adding 3 parts water to my spray bottle and 1 part ACV, give it a good shake and it ready to use.

After I apply the mixture to my hair I always have mixture left in my bottle; instead of pouring the mixture out I save it a use it as my skin toner.

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How I moisturize, sooth, and hydrate my scalp while Protective Styling


I love protective styling whether its Marley Twists, Senegalese Twist, Box Braids, Buns, Crochet Braids, Cornrows etc, I have done it all! Protective styling is awesome because it protects your precious ends from the harsh weather elements, combats shedding and breakage from over styling but, most importantly locks in moisture. However, many naturalista’s forget or do not bother to keep up with their moisture game while their hair is in a protective style.

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